My favorite gifts to give this year went to Nathan and Mark. With the help of my friend Stefan (who spent this Christmas in Paris with beautiful Amanda) we got Nate a Fender Strata guitar and a killer amp. I've had a few moments of "what the heck was I thinking" today as the noise...emits from the basement, but all in all, I was thrilled to make him happy with the gift. As for Mark; he was recently told by a friend he needed to upgrade his watch. He has one that seems somewhat "Army issue" and cost about fifteen bucks. He is now sporting a nice black face with gold accent gig I found at a mall jewlery store. It gorgeous!
Lyn has hardly done anything but load music on her new laptop and Emily had to have a nap after all that unwrapping. Lola has had the most fun today though. Santa brought her a ball that talks to her every time it moves. She absolutely exhausts herself with the stupid thing, then after a quick rest goes right back at it...she's insatiable.
As for me, Mark got me a print of one of my favorite paintings:
This makes it okay that he also got me a coffee pot.

We do miss our family and friends that seem even further away today. How we wish we could be with you to share in the memories and enjoy making new ones.
And as tradition dictates, I vow to start Christmas shopping earlier next year, and strive to make next year even less stressful. Fewer Christmas trees, less decorations, and who cares if dinner is perfect both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! For today, have more pie and cookies before we commit to all those New Year resolutions.