Mother’s are the ultimate animal in defending her child’s safety and well being. Moms know in their heart that their child is special, deserving and unique. We love our children unconditionally. Peppered with occasional disappointment or distress; Motherhood enables us to see these beings through the sometimes distorted lens of our hearts. The love a mother holds for her children is infinite, unrestricted, unrestrained and boundless. Mothers are proud of the very existence of their child.
My children awe me in too many ways to count. Looking beyond the natural love I feel, there are so many reasons for me to be proud, have respect, value, approve of and LIKE them as people. As I have devoted my life to teaching them, they have taught me so much. So today, the blog is devoted to my children and just some of the reasons they are loved.
10 Things I Love About My Kids
They don’t discriminate
The kids learned many lessons growing up as Army Brats. Their most valuable gain is their
ability to truly accept all people with an open heart. They get to know people rather than
make assumptions based on stereotypes. I absolutely love looking at their groups of friends
and seeing such diversity. They don’t seem to notice, but it is quite amazing. I admire them
in untold measure for this.
They have energy
How do you get up at 5am for work, and then hit the gym for a work-out on your way
home? How does one stay up until 4am then get up and to work by 9:00? How do you leave
for school at 6:30 am, return home at 9:30pm and still make time for homework, studying
and a boyfriend? Living life to the fullest takes the advantage of youth. Ah! to tap in to a
fraction of that excitement for life.
They speak their mind
This one can be a double edged sword. As a Mom, it hasn’t always been easy to have
opinionated kids. It is important to know when to hold your tongue, but sharing thoughts
and opinions helps us understand each other a little deeper. Who among us doesn’t want to
be heard?
They give me advice
Do these jeans make my butt look big? What do you think about this situation? My kids
provide a fresh, youthful outlook on so many things. I recently asked what they thought
about me going with a super short haircut. Emily informed me that “Cutting your hair short
won’t make you look fat; it will make you look fatter”. Ouch! Don’t ask if you don’t want
honesty, right?
They laugh
One of my favorite days ever was spent with Emily running errands and going to the mall.
She spent the day “in character” of someone I’d never met. She didn’t utter a single word in
her own voice that day and I’d never laughed so much. The silliness of their skits in the
living room, their quick wit and ability to appreciate the absurd makes for a life of laughter.
Never a group to take ourselves too seriously, laughter and joy abound!
They vote
Well, only two officially, but with an election year just behind us and a new President in
office, my kids have stayed informed and involved. It is exciting for me to see them excited
about our democracy and watch them navigate their way through the process. People in
history have been imprisoned and even died for them to exercise their right. I’m thankful
they don’t take it for granted.
They are compassionate
I always thought if I could just instill compassion in my kids, they would be well equipped for
functioning in the world. Our entire existence is based on relationships. From our family, to
friends, co-workers, and all of humanity as a whole; we must function as just one player on a
team of billions. My children’s ability to feel another person’s pain, embarrassment, sorrow,
frustration, or concern is awe inspiring.
They believe they can
Self doubt can derail the deepest dream. Doubt will hold you back from trying out for that
solo, keep you from getting that job, or stop you from beginning a new adventure. I’ve
watched with pride as Lyn has changed a headlight on her car, replace a broken doorknob,
and even audition for a TV show. I’ve seen Nate overcome overwhelming odds and come out
a winner, and Emily put herself out there for the world to see. I love that my kids, risking
failure, still try.
They trust their gut
When something doesn’t feel right, it is our built in defense system, steering us in a better
direction. A person who just doesn’t sit right with you, a nagging feeling that there is a better
answer to a dilemma, a drive to take a turn that is different from what the rest of the crowd
is taking…I respect my kids for listening to these things and taking heed.
They are stubborn
This is probably the most frustrating thing about my children, yet I stand in awe of their
ability to stand firm on their beliefs. They are not so inflexible it makes them unable to
consider other points of view, quite the opposite. However, when they believe they are right,
they will defend their position with fervor unmatched by any resolve I may feel.
Further reading…in the book The Prophet, the following premise has offered valuable
guidance in living with teens.
On Children
Kahlil Gibran
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let our bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable