Lawrence Central Winter Guard debuted their "wretched" look this weekend at the Pike High School competition. My big idea was to video the show to post here on the blog, but due to mechanical glitch (meaning I was the one video-ing) I ended up with a nice video of the inside of my purse! Thank goodness there was an audience full of other proud Moms, so I do have a few photos to post here...thanks Janet!
This is one of the BEST Winter Guard shows I have ever seen. Keep in mind that between Lyndsay and Emily I have been to 5,428 or so shows over the past five years. Between the music, the look, and the excellent talent of this group, everything comes together in this production to create a show that will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
Lyndsay has been out of guard for three years (she was Emily's inspiration). She made time to go to the competition with Mark and I this weekend, which always adds a new element for me. I love hearing her opinions of shows and gaining some of her perspective. I think she was proud of her little sis.
They ended up with a penalty this week from what I heard. Groups have a set time to get on and off the floor and apparently we took a little too long, but LC still walked away with the top score for their group. 75.9 is a great score for this time of year...even if it really could have been a 77.4.
LC Winter Guard consumes my every Saturday through March and I can't think of ANYTHING I would rather do. Although I love Marching Band season...Winter Guard is focused on the guard in a small setting. We are in Terre Haute next week, then Ft. Wayne, ending up with our last few competitions in the Indy metro area. If anyone out there hasn't seen a winter guard show I invite you to come check it may end up as hooked as me!