When you lose someone you love, your mind naturally returns to those "lasts". The last time we talked, our last visit, the last time we ate together.
The day before my Mom died, her sister brought a strawberry cake to us. My Mom and I sat up in the bed and laughed while we ate cake. I somehow knew it would be a "last" and enjoyed it with the heart of a five year old.
We don't always get that lucky though. We don't always have warning signs indicating trouble ahead, or even a heads up that change is on the horizon. And while I don't want to live in a morbid state of "what if this is the last kiss, last, hug, last talk, last phone call, last email, last time...", I do hope those lasts will live on in my heart.
What I am certain of is that when my grandchildren want to build a "cushion city" in the living room, I'm in. They may never ask me again!