As a nation, we’ve had a week long discussion over the phrase “lipstick on a pig”. It got me thinking about some of my favorite sayings. These phrases just get the point across better or convey that moment of emotion better than any other words. I love sayings, phrases and quotes and keep one posted on the kitchen chalk board at all times. These are tried and true words of advice, encouragement, and humor that help us gain some perspective on our daily trials.
Please feel free to post your own in the comments and share the knowledge!
If you lie down with dogs you rise up with fleas.
(this is a spin on the “birds of a feather…adage. I learned this one from a neighbor in North Carolina and oh, how southern it sounds!)
He is a lost ball in the high weeds
(this is one of my top ten favorites! Do you know how many people this phrase applies to!? Actually refers to golf and a ball ending up in the rough. One of my favorite people of all time, Jeff Stewart, taught this one to me. He was one of my first “real” bosses and he taught me much. Jeff passed away at too young an age, but what an impact his life had on many.)
I feel like I’ve been rode hard and put up wet
Sounds a little gross doesn’t it? It is a legitimate horse training phrase because after a hard work out, horses need to be washed down and brushed out. If they are rode hard and put up wet their muscles become very sore. Maybe this is a Kentucky thing.
Kentucky: Beautiful horses and fast women.
First heard this one from Mrs. Parks, 9th grade. Maybe it used to be the state motto.
As lost as last years Easter eggs
I learned this one from Mark. He uses this to describe people who are not “in the know”…I tend to use it describe myself as in actual travel. thank goodness for TomTom.
Poor as Jobs turkey
This one was handed down to me from my Mom. Job didn’t actually have a turkey because they were not native to Aisa Minor in Jobs day. If Job had a turkey though, imagine how poor it would have been! By the way, I do try to have the patience of Job.
When my rich uncle gets out of the poor house
Dear ol’ Mom. She had the patience of Job. As a youngster I would ask her when I could get this new toy or that new toy. This was her answer.
Money can buy you a pretty good dog, but it won’t buy the wag of its tail
Whether you are a dog lover or not, this is a great one. Money doesn't buy happiness...but it doesn't make you sad either.
Activity creates activity
This is a wonderful concept. When you perform and activity it creates another activity. I use this concept at work often: put any word in front of activity here and you see the result. Good activity creates good activity, bad activity creates bad activity, diet activity creates diet activity. Try any word you want! If you need to get something started or completed; use this simple formula to get you there.
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you
This is the underlying message of every major religion in the world. All of the world’s woes could be cured if this one golden rule was followed. Think about that. Every single problem we see on the news, every problem in our lives. If this one rule was applied by everyone-problem solved.
God gave us two ears and one mouth…use accordingly
This is a great reminder for someone like me who talks for a living and LOVES to talk to people.
Everything needs dirt to grow
This was my mantra when the kids were little. They, and by they I mean mostly Nathan, would play outside for hours. I never cared how dirty they got because, well, everything needs dirt to grow. By the way, I heard on the radio yesterday that there was a study conducted on kids and it surmised that the art of going outdoors to play is being lost and it is not healthy for our children. They suggest that parent make an effort to get kids out for 30 minutes to an hour a day...I say send them out get 'em dirty!
Don’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out
Mable Maddox used this one to explain poor and really could be used to describe certain periods of my own life!
There are two types of knowledge: things I know and things I know how to find out.
I don’t remember where I learned this, but how powerful. It truly changed my attitude. Yes, we are indeed all know it alls. Heck, with google at our finger tips is there any knowledge we are without?
Actions speak louder than words
Ugh! My Dad used this on me every time I ever got in trouble. Of course my nature was to talk my way out of whatever I’d done and this was always his come back. It has stayed with me though and has given me pause at times when I needed to make a choice about who I am and what I stand for. We are witness to people in how we live our lives and how we live stands as an example of who you are. You’re actions determine your true priorities, not your words.
Hurtful, limiting comments say more about the people who make those comments than they say about you.
Ok, this one probably doesn't qualify as a saying, but this can help us remember that people may be having a bad day and their comments are more about that than us. Some people are just plain mean. Other are just unhappy individuals. Again, that reflects on them, not you.
When in doubt; don’t
When I’ve had to make a decision I have often depended on this nugget of advice.
The rooster may crow, but the hen delivers the goods
Cocky, cocky men!
Well behaved women rarely make history
Enough said
I always remember "The truth shall set you free" and everytime I hear this quote, I remember your parents and the fun that you and I had. I smile with tears in my eyes with these memories.
We are so busy with our lives, but you and your family are so often in my thoughts and prayers.
"The sun shines on a dog's hind end every now and then"
This was one of Dad's sayings he used on me when I would start getting a little "prideful".
You wouldn'd believe how he still keeps me humble with this one.
Tracy I have never heard that about KY :) ... I was always told Kentucky had "Fast women and beautiful horses." ... huhhhh?? I would love to shoot you and your family :); better rephrase that huh? I would love to take some photos of you guys; just don't expect a lot. When are you all coming this way again? I haven't taken any photos this entire summer, just eBay stuff for Neddy. Did get me a new lens though :), a Canon 100-400mm great for ballgames and wildlife shooting.
I enjoyed the new photos, but sure do hate that twangy hillbilly music you added ... lolol.
Will keep checking back, I love all of you :)!!
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