Yet another campaign was threatened this week to stop playing a song on the trail that they had paid the copyright fee for. It has happened to both camps...Obama..not allowed to use "Soul Man"...probably a good thing in the long run...and McCain is no "Hero" to the Foo
Ultimately, these artists don't agree with the politics of the of the user and therefore have asked, demanded, threatened lawsuits if they continue to use the song on the campaign trail. The thing I don't agree with about this is that these artists have put their "product" on the market for purchase (copyright fees). These campaigns paid the fees. To me, it's not a lot different than buying a sweater at Macy's, then the designer decides they don't like the way it looks on you, so you are asked not to wear it any longer.
I pay to download music all the time. I love Pink's edgy songs and Madonna (being a product of the 80's) will always hold a special place in my heart. I've paid to use their songs, bought CD's, and even albums back in the day. Knowing I don't always agree with these gals on politics; would they ask ME to stop playing their music?
I've heard that Hank Williams Jr. is set to perform at a Palin/Mc...oops...McCain/Palin rally. I would get a kick out of it if he'd dedicate "All My Rowdy Friends" to Obama, considering some of his past affiliations. I personally think having Hank "live" is a little risky though because, well, Hank tends to speak his mind and not always in a sane, stable manner. Maybe that is fitting for this campaign.
None of us would want these rallys to be devoid of music. Music energizes, and it would be awkward to intro Joe Bidden with orchsetra music or John McCain with humming. If Sarah Palin has paid to use "Bringin' Sexy Back or Lady Marmalade" and Obama forked over thousands to walk onto stage to "Crank Dat or I've Got Friends in Low Places", we could judge them on song choice, but the artists who recorded these songs should be out of the picture. Hey, I bought the ugly sweater, and if I want to belt it I can. It now belongs to me.
For me, this whole fiasco has highlighted the intolerance of the famous.
Bottom line is this...Attention famous people...we like you for your voice; your catchy tunes, don't assume we really care about your political views too. Your fans are a diverse bunch.
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