We've come to the end of the debates and I've gotta say, I still have a few questions!
Dear Candidates,
Could you each define what your idea of a "small business" is? This would help a lot of people understand where they stand within your plans. I'd also like to understand your plan for a war in both Iraq and Afganistan, where are you going to get enough soldiers? More National Guard? Less in Iraq? Help me out here. Blah, blah, blah, tax plan, blah blah, blah, health plan...blah, blah, blah.
Whew, now that I have that out, on to the family.
Mark is still the studious student and flying through his classes. He goes to school, does homework, goes to the YMCA regularly, helps with housework, all while working full time...great guy
Flying the Coop:
Lyndsay was approved today for her first apartment. She won't be too far from home, and not moving out until December but I am already starting to miss her! At the same time, I am very proud of her and her independant nature. By the way, if you have any old, patched up chairs or lamps you no longer use, send em her way!
Pluggin Along:
Nathan got his first paycheck Monday. Yippie!
Choose your weapon:
Emily is working hard and the band show is awesome! She has a few great spots up front (she does love to be the center of attention) LC has won 1st place in several contests this year and of course I think they are simply the best. You can see a short video on indianamarching.com (go to video vault and look for Lawrence Central). I've tried to post a link here (hope it works). As you watch, Emily is to the right on your screen, first to toss the rifle.
Lawrence Cetnral 9/13/08
Queen Lucy:
Lucy had to make a visit to the vet on Saturday for an antibiotic. She is doing much, much, better, but I'm a little embarrassed...she's already 10 yrs old and I've had her at 8 or 9 I guess for a couple of years. (Her b-day is 1/29/98) Darn, I missed an excuse for birthday cake!!
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